Thursday, 3 February 2011

DAY 459: The darkest day

We went to the Railway hotel again, me and Ben were totally drunk and something bad happened... few moments later we were down on a street fighting as it never happened before...
I really thought my story with Ben was finished, I cried, cried and cried an shouted to him as I never did before.
That night we were in same bed together as usual but we didn't really sleep. The morning at 6 a.m. passion tried to heal everything but It took almost two weeks to put all the pieces back together and to feel 100% well again.
I stayed silent for a whole week, every morning when I walked to work I thought and thought about it and every time when I stopped at the same traffic light I cried.
A lovely weekend in Ringwood at Ben's parents house helped me a lot, we re-found our harmony again sitting on a green couch and talking to each other about our points of view. Just an hour before our "peace moment" Ben showed me once more that he really care about me and he had a fight with one of his best friends to protect me and our relationship.
Ben has his little "dark sides" but it's just the exception that proves the rule, and the rule is that he is the sort of guy that you will never be scared to live a life with.
That's why I'm jealous, because he is perfect to my eyes.


  1. come sei profondo, pensavo che le cose, laggiù andassero meglio di come la tua vena entusiastica mi raccontava ... ma tu sei bravo a sorridere e fingere, pur di farti vedere per QUELLO che veramente sei! SMACK

  2. No vabbè questo è solo un episodio! la maggior parte delle cose che sono successe avevano un tono decisamente più allegro :D
